
We think property is probably the most important part of your wealth management strategy. This is because it is hard to become financially secure without owning at least one property. If you can own more than one, things get even better.

We advise on all forms of property: residential homes, investment properties and commercial properties. And we don’t just advise on your own property, either. We often find ourselves showing clients the best way to help their adult kids buy homes.

We always start with your family home. We do this because the family home occupies a special place for most Australians. Our home ownership rates are amongst the highest in the world.

Residential property also occupies a special spot in Australian investment history. It is historically the highest earning asset class, with an average annual return of over 8% compounding in the 10 years to 31 December 2015, and 10.5% per annum in the 20 years to the same date (source: ASX Annual Investment Report June 2016).

Homes account for around 43% of all household wealth in Australia. And, pretty importantly, they give you a place to live as well.

And this is just family homes. When you consider the impact of investment properties as well, you find that being wealthy is really a matter of owning property.

This is why property simply must be a significant part of your financial plan. You need to decide what to buy, how much to spend, how to borrow (and how much) and how to repay the debt if you want to make property investment work for you.

Basically, your wealth starts with property and expands from there. That’s why we do, too.

Allan Moore

Property Specialist

Allan specialises in maximising the chance you can achieve your lifestyle goals. If you have a complex financial problem the goal is to help you understand the alternatives, build your own personal strategy, and take action.

Allan started life with a Bachelor of Business and completed a traineeship opening Sanctuary Cove, QLD – including opening one of Australia’s first boutique brewery’s in 1986. He also worked for Ansett Airlines organising Superannuation choice for staff, and it included exposure to Treasury.

With extensive business experience and a practical commercially minded approach Allan enjoys working with: Business owners; Ladies - who look after their own finances, and those of their extended family; People who have come into old and new wealth; Entrepreneurs and Artists.

You expect a trusted adviser to excel in advice on structures and investments, in addition Allan has the industry leading property specialist software and also has his own small charity. Putting money where he believes it can make a great difference. It is this wide knowledge, based on experience that allows him to listen and assist you – in ways you might not have thought of.

Personally he surfs every weekend with his 4 children and friends, enjoys ballet with wife and daughter and soccer with his sons.

“Wealth is the ability to fully experience life”

Allan Moore is an authorised representative (239448) of Adsum Capital Pty Ltd (AFSL 518931).

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