Divorce and Separation – Starting Again

Divorce and separation can be tough, but they also open the door to new beginnings. While it’s normal to feel overwhelmed during this time, it’s important to remember that starting again can lead to personal growth and renewed purpose.

After a relationship ends, it’s essential to take a good look at your financial situation. This means assessing your assets, debts, and income. You might need to create a new budget that reflects your changed circumstances, especially if you’re dealing with alimony or child support. Understanding your financial reality is improtant, and it’s okay to adjust your lifestyle to fit your new budget.

Rebuilding your financial foundation is often a top priority. Whether you’re keeping the family home or looking for a new place to live, securing stable housing is key. You might also want to think about your career. Is it time to explore new opportunities or perhaps gain additional skills? Setting fresh financial goals can give you direction and motivation as you navigate this transition.

Emotionally, starting again can feel daunting, but it can also be liberating. Allow yourself time to grieve the end of your relationship while also embracing the possibilities ahead. Many people find that talking to a therapist or joining a support group can help them process their feelings and develop coping strategies. Surrounding yourself with friends and family who understand what you’re going through can provide much-needed support.

Rediscovering who you are is another important part of this journey. This might mean picking up old hobbies or trying something new. Take this opportunity to reassess your values and priorities—what do you really want for your future?

If you have kids, co-parenting will be a big part of your new life. It’s essential to develop a cooperative relationship with your ex-partner, focusing on what’s best for the children. This might take patience and good communication, but it’s worth it for everyone involved.

Don’t forget about the legal side of things, either. Make sure all aspects of your separation or divorce are properly documented and legally binding. This can give you peace of mind as you move forward. Updating your will, changing beneficiaries on insurance policies, and revising other legal documents are all important steps to take.

Starting again after a divorce or separation can be challenging, but it’s also a chance for personal growth and a fresh start. With a bit of planning, emotional support, and a positive outlook, you can build a fulfilling new chapter in your life. Allan Moore can provide valuable guidance as you navigate this significant life transition. 

Allan Moore

Director and Financial Planner

Allan specialises in maximising the chance you can achieve your lifestyle goals. If you have a complex financial problem the goal is to help you understand the alternatives, build your own personal strategy, and take action.

Allan started life with a Bachelor of Business and completed a traineeship opening Sanctuary Cove, QLD – including opening one of Australia’s first boutique brewery’s in 1986. He also worked for Ansett Airlines organising Superannuation choice for staff, and it included exposure to Treasury.

With extensive business experience and a practical commercially minded approach Allan enjoys working with: Business owners; Ladies - who look after their own finances, and those of their extended family; People who have come into old and new wealth; Entrepreneurs and Artists.

You expect a trusted adviser to excel in advice on structures and investments, in addition Allan has the industry leading property specialist software and also has his own small charity. Putting money where he believes it can make a great difference. It is this wide knowledge, based on experience that allows him to listen and assist you – in ways you might not have thought of.

Personally he surfs every weekend with his 4 children and friends, enjoys ballet with wife and daughter and soccer with his sons.

“Wealth is the ability to fully experience life”

Allan Moore is an authorised representative (239448) of Adsum Capital Pty Ltd (AFSL 518931).

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